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Benefit from the opportunity of sharing experiences between peers.

Group coaching is about the interconnection between all the members of the group, including the coach.

The Expat Challenge

Feeling a bit lost? Isolated? Lonely? Culture-shocked? Wanting to expand your network?

Get together with other expats who might be experiencing some of the same things you are. Listen to others stories and experiences, share yours, share your successes and your concerns. It is about finding the common ground, building a support system and learning from one another.

And at the same time learning about tools to fully enjoy this unique experience and potentially expanding your network.


3 hour session

Price per person 75€

In groups of 3 to 7 persons.

Via zoom or in person*.

Flexible dates.

*subject to space availability

Career Change

Did you put aside your job to follow your spouse? Did you take a long leave for whatever reason? Do you now have millions of plans and dreams and don’t know where to start? Or do you want to change what you do everyday? Is it just the right time to follow your passion?


Join this group with women in one of these scenarios and looking to give a turn to their career. Whether it is changing your job, starting your own business, or volunteering some of your time, lets get to work and put together your plan.


 3 hour session

Price per person 95€

In groups of 3 to 7 persons.

Via zoom or in person*.

Flexible dates.

*subject to space availability



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